About Us



Greetings. My name is Maureen Donald, I am the owner of PacificaGifts.com StellaMareCandles.com as well as  our brick and mortar store Pacifica Gifts at 410 Oak St. in Hood River, Oregon.  I am originally from Boulder, Colorado. I visited Hood River in 1986 to sample the already legendary windsurfing on the Columbia River. My husband Kevin and I returned a year later, bought a small house in the downtown area, and viola! we were year-round Hood River residents.  We've lived here ever since and love the people, the river, Mount Hood and the weather. Sure it can rain a lot some winters but here's the deal...most of that rain falls as snow on Mount Hood and the skiing and snowboarding are wonderful! It's only 45 minutes from our back door to the Hood River Meadows lift. We live in a recreational paradise. I started Pacifica Gifts 22 years ago after meeting the owners of Pacifica Beauty while on a Baja surf trip. One night over cervezas and Brook's wonderful guacamole, we hatched a plan for me to sell Pacifica Candles, Stella Mare Candles and other Pacifica items in Hood River. Over the years the store has grown into Pacifica Gifts. We are proud to be the only retail distributor of all Stella Mare Candle fragrances, and the entire boutique assortment of Pacifica Beauty products which are better than ever.  Next time your in the Hood River area please stop in and say hi. 

Remember: It's all good in the Hood.

Maureen K. Donald

Stellamarecandles.com & Pacifica Gifts 410 Oak St. Hood River, Oregon 97031
